Look for Alien Buddha Zine #72 in March - featuring my photography and poetry!
Free "Inspire Me" eBook!
A free PDF available for Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music Issue 8: Inspire Me on the website today!
Happy 2025! 🥂
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! The decorations in Detroit are beautiful and oh look the former house of Mark Twain's daughter where he stayed at and even wrote!
Christmas Poetry Podcast!
Happy Holidays! Join me for a special Christmas poetry reading 12.22 at Eat the Storms podcast!
Book News
Happy Holidays from Detroit! Thank you for your support and for purchasing copies of SELECTED POEMS 2004-2024 this year!
In book related news I'm happy to have poetry included in Alien Buddha's Best of 2024 anthology, Alien Buddha Zine #72 and in The Alien Buddha's Big Backpack Full of Soup Cans anthology!
2024 Highlight
The New Verse News: "Amish Golden Age"
My new poem "Amish Golden Age" on the 2024 election and Amish vote is up at The New Verse News!
Several previous poems published in the New Verse News are available via Some Are and Most Aren't and It's Always Been Like That: Selected Poems 2004-2024 (Alien Buddha Press).
Shunning panel discussion
Happy Halloween! 🦇
Happy Halloween! Dropping a new poem to celebrate, check out Dark Academia via Feversofthemind.com!
#libraryappreciationmonth 📚
Dear Readers,
Happy autumn! Thank you to everyone who purchased a copy of my book Selected Poems 2004-2024 and came out for my Detroit readings this past summer - I'm truly grateful and honored by your support.
October is #libraryappreciationmonth so I would like to thank Detroit library for housing a copy of my book which can be checked out via the interlibrary loan by any Michigan branch, FYI.
Some Are and Most Aren't and It's Always Been Like That: Selected Poems 2004-2024 (Alien Buddha Press)
Eccentric Orbits 5 anthology (Dimensionfold Publishing)
Eccentric Orbits 5 Amazon link
Eccentric Orbits 5 is now available via Amazon!
Science fiction poetry holds a special place in our cultural landscape. It invites us to stretch the boundaries of our imaginations, offering glimpses into worlds that are both different from our own and yet relatable through today's values. The genre of speculative fiction pushes the limits of possibility, allowing us to explore diverse societies and realities.
The poems in this anthology weave complex ethical and moral dilemmas. They tackle themes like the impact of technology on our lives, the potential dangers of AI, and the consequences of unchecked scientific progress. These verses remind us that our choices shape the future and challenge us to think about the kind of world we want to build for ourselves and future generations.
In this collection, you'll find a rich mix of voices from all corners of the globe and different cultures. Included are some of the finest poets in the speculative community, as well as a few newcomers making their debut. I hope their words intrigue you and open your mind to new possibilities, both fantastical and futuristic.
So many writers have shaped or inspired me but none more so than Truman Capote! Read his short stories and travel writings! ♥️ Happy 100! #capote100 #trumancapote
Eccentric Orbits 5 🛸
Eccentric Orbits (Dimensionfold Publishing, available soon via Amazon) is an anthology of Science Fiction poetry highlighting sci-fi poets from around the globe, celebrating the diversity and unity of the poetic form.
(Includes my Night Portrait of Kalapana)
Angela Acosta
Andrew Burton
Stewart C Baker
Stephanie Barr
Catherine Brogdon
Kayla-Jane Barrie
Erin J. Bauman
Peter Cashorali
Christopher Collingwood
Jennifer Crow
Thomas Easton
Gary Every
Paul A. Freeman
Lee Garratt
Robin Rose Graves
Ken Goudsward
Alex Hernandez
Rikki Holland
Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Michael Hoffman
Deborah L. Kelly
Ngo Binh Anh Khoa
Deborah P Kolodji
Peter J. King
Blaise Langlois
Gerri Leen
Tumelo Michael Magadlela
Kyle A. Massa
Jennifer Moraca
William Mullins
Kimberly Nugent
Aminath Neena
Chrome Oxide
Michelle Oucharek-Deo
Juan Perez
Fiona Perry
Nick Romeo
James Schwartz
Fariel Shafee
Joshua St. Claire
Rex Sweeny
R.C. Thomas
G.M.H. Thompson
Mary Turzillo
Rehka Valliappan
Thomas Van Horn
Mike Van Horn
Wendy Van Camp
Lynn White
Pooja Arshanapally
Allen Ashley
January Bain
Robert Beveridge
Dan Brook
Faruk Buzhala
Dale Champlin
Linda M. Crate
Binod Dawadi
Billie Dee
Melissa Ridley Elmes
Kendall Evans
Mark A. Fisher
Erik Garske
Jean-Paul L. Garnier
John Grey
Fin Hall
Bradley Earle Hoge
Akua Lezli Hope
Jane Jago
Erin Jamieson
Alshaad Kara
David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Goran Lowie
R. C. Larlham
Richard Magahiz
Jack Massa
Mike McCormick
Michele Mekel
Gerald D. Nordley
Allene Nichols
Roxana Negut
Ramona Ridgewell
Negut Roxana
RK Rugg
Adriana Rocha
Joshua St. Claire
J. J. Steinfeld
Fabrice Stephan
Justin Sloane
Sean Stubblefield
Lisa Timpf
Liz Tuckwell
DJ Tyrer
Lamont Turner
Yulia Vereta
TD Walker
Ruth E. Walker
Ella Walsworth-Bell
M. Weigel
Jeff Young
“Fabulous science fiction poetry and scifaiku by a very talented international group of poets. There’s robots, there’s aliens, there’s intergalactic war, there’s the eternal quest for peace, there’s love found and love lost. Underneath it all, is the quest, the truth, and the realization of humanity.” – from the editor
Free eBook: The Hard Rain Poetry Anthology inspired by Bob Dylan!
Free limited time pdf of The Hard Rain Poetry Anthology, inspired by Bob Dylan!
Free "Waltzin Through Rusty Cages" eBook!
Free pdf for a limited time " Waltzin' Through Rusty Cages" inspired by Elliott Smith and Chris Cornell
* Includes my photography from Kurt Cobain Memorial Park (Aberdeen, WA)!
Selected Poems 2004-2024
The highlight of 2024 is the publication of my "greatest hits" collection "Some Are and Most Aren't and It's Always Been Like That (Selected Poems 2004-2024)" from Alien Buddha Press!
Thank you for sharing this journey with me!
James Schwartz's collection of selected poems, "Some Are and Most Aren't and It's Always Been Like That," offers readers a compelling journey through the intersections of identity, society, and personal experience. Spanning two decades of poetic exploration from 2004 to 2024, Schwartz's work delves into themes of LGBTQ+ identity, cultural heritage, societal norms, and the human condition with a raw and unflinching honesty.
One of the most striking aspects of Schwartz's poetry is his ability to blend personal narratives with broader social commentary seamlessly. Through his keen observation and introspection, he crafts verses that resonate deeply with readers, inviting them to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.
The collection showcases Schwartz's versatility as a poet, ranging from poignant reflections on his Amish upbringing to powerful expressions of queer pride and resilience. His use of imagery and metaphor creates vivid landscapes that transport readers to the heart of his experiences, whether he's navigating the complexities of love and relationships or grappling with societal injustices.
In addition to his thematic depth, Schwartz's poetic craftsmanship shines through in his attention to language and form. Each poem is meticulously crafted, with every word and line contributing to the overall impact of the piece. From free verse to structured forms, Schwartz demonstrates a mastery of poetic technique that enhances the emotional resonance of his work.
Now Available - Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track!
Psalms of the Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track just dropped on Amazon!
Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track a final, frenzied jam session.
Each piece in this collection is a track on an album that you didn’t know you needed until you pressed play. It’s like being handed a mixtape from a friend who understands your mind—the tracks that aren’t played on the radio, the ones you find stoned at 2 AM.
This final track isn’t a fade-out—it’s an explosion, a cacophony of sound and fury. The Alien Buddha plays conductor, bringing together these voices to create something that is more than the sum of its parts. Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track will stay with you like a hook caught in your head.
Read a preview here!
Happy 100th birthday James Baldwin! I encourage you to check out his work if you haven't.
Selected Poems 2004-2024
2 POEM EXCERPT via Fevers of the Mind
James Schwartz's collection of selected poems, "Some Are and Most Aren't and It's Always Been Like That," offers readers a compelling journey through the intersections of identity, society, and personal experience. Spanning two decades of poetic exploration from 2004 to 2024, Schwartz's work delves into themes of LGBTQ+ identity, cultural heritage, societal norms, and the human condition with a raw and unflinching honesty.
One of the most striking aspects of Schwartz's poetry is his ability to blend personal narratives with broader social commentary seamlessly. Through his keen observation and introspection, he crafts verses that resonate deeply with readers, inviting them to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.
The collection showcases Schwartz's versatility as a poet, ranging from poignant reflections on his Amish upbringing to powerful expressions of queer pride and resilience. His use of imagery and metaphor creates vivid landscapes that transport readers to the heart of his experiences, whether he's navigating the complexities of love and relationships or grappling with societal injustices.
In addition to his thematic depth, Schwartz's poetic craftsmanship shines through in his attention to language and form. Each poem is meticulously crafted, with every word and line contributing to the overall impact of the piece. From free verse to structured forms, Schwartz demonstrates a mastery of poetic technique that enhances the emotional resonance of his work.
Featured Post
"The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America" Book Reviews + Media Highlights
THE LITERARY PARTY: GROWING UP GAY AND AMISH IN AMERICA (EBOOK) BOOK REVIEWS: As a country boy in Kentucky, I’m acquainted with the Ami...
A Fevers of the Mind 2025 poetry showcase can be read here !
Look for Alien Buddha Zine #72 in March - featuring my photography and poetry!
Post by Obermutten GR Gemeindeverwaltung . GAY WARFARE Beautifully constructed poetry and poignant essays... ...
A free PDF available for Fevers of the Mind Poetry, Art & Music Issue 8: Inspire Me on the website today!
Merry Christmas! The decorations in Detroit are beautiful and oh look the former house of Mark Twain's daughter where he stayed at and ...