Alien Buddha's Big Backpack Full of Soup Cans anthology

Now available! - Alien Buddha's Big Backpack Full of Soup Cans anthology! Includes my recent collab with poet Joshua Merchant!

“And then they have cans of soup. Soup. And they throw the cans of soup. That’s better than a brick because you can’t throw a brick; it’s too heavy. But a can of soup, you can really put some power into that, right? [...] And then, when they get caught, they say, “No, this is soup for my family.” They’re so innocent. “This is soup for my family.” It’s incredible. And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup. And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police. And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force. It’s the perfect size. It’s, like, made perfect.”

-- tRump

The Alien Buddha's Big Backpack Full of Soup Cans: Soup For Our Families (Malcontent Poems)

Alien Buddha Press exhibits a fearless collection of poetry that amplifies voices of the displaced, the rebellious, and the grieving. The Alien Buddha’s Big Backpack Full of Soup Cans (Soup for Our Families): Malcontent Poems is an anthology of resistance, sorrow, and persistence, featuring 34 poets from across this burning planet, challenging the cruelties of the world we live in with turbulent honesty.

This collection is a scream against injustice, a meditation on the sacred and the profane, a remembrance of those we’ve lost, and a witness to the strength of those who survived.

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