SUNSET IN ROME Book launch!

 "I have written a wicked book, and feel spotless as the lamb. Ineffable socialities are in me. I would sit down and dine with you and all the gods in old Rome's Pantheon." 

- Herman Melville 

Unlike most Old Order Amish children I attended a public school with teachers who nurtured my love for writing and books. I also was allowed to have a library card. 

The official launch for SUNSET IN ROME is October 9th! If any of my readers will be in Detroit on that date please join me at the book signing / reading / orgy... just kidding about that last bit! Really! Do expect an intimate evening with yours truly in the D! 

Now available on Amazon!

Of course an ex-Amish man's book will be banned. This is a story about defying the church so sermons may even be preached condemning it! Exciting times! 

I even drew the wrath of several ex-Amish YouTube preachers (basically my queer existence, also Plain Rainbows podcast) but let's not forget that these men are selling fundamentalism now. 

Conservative Anabaptists Reject Fundamentalism 
I fail to see the difference between a sex worker and hoeing your Amish heritage for click bait and monetization or book sales.

 SUNSET IN ROME will be suppressed by all Amish publications and those that are controlled by the Holy Hetero Amish Church but it may be found by the gay Amish person who needs to read this story.  

See you at the party!  

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