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"The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America" Book Reviews + Media Highlights
THE LITERARY PARTY: GROWING UP GAY AND AMISH IN AMERICA (EBOOK) BOOK REVIEWS: As a country boy in Kentucky, Iām acquainted with the Ami...
I'm happy to have new and recent poetry and photography in Alien Buddha Zine #75 (Milestone Edition) - The 7in5 will drop in June!
My 2014 short story AMISH ROAD TRIP will be featured in the forthcoming Alien Buddha Press SUMMER SUCKS! anthology dropping in May!
Post by Obermutten GR Gemeindeverwaltung . GAY WARFARE Beautifully constructed poetry and poignant essays... ...
Happy Holidays from Detroit! Thank you for your support and for purchasing copies of SELECTED POEMS 2004-2024 this year ! In book related...