Now Available - Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track!

 Psalms of the Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track just dropped on Amazon!

Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track a final, frenzied jam session.

Each piece in this collection is a track on an album that you didn’t know you needed until you pressed play. It’s like being handed a mixtape from a friend who understands your mind—the tracks that aren’t played on the radio, the ones you find stoned at 2 AM.

This final track isn’t a fade-out—it’s an explosion, a cacophony of sound and fury. The Alien Buddha plays conductor, bringing together these voices to create something that is more than the sum of its parts. Psalms of The Alien Buddha 3: The Final Track will stay with you like a hook caught in your head.

 Read a preview here

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